About New Labor Forum

New Labor Forum is a national labor journal from the Murphy Institute, at the CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies,  published by SAGE Press three times a year, in January, May, and September. Founded in 1997, the journal provides a place for labor and its allies to consider vital research, debate strategy, and test new ideas.

In its over two decades of publication, articles in the journal have covered the full range of challenges that confront workers and working-class communities.  On the domestic side, these issues have included:

On the domestic side, these issues have included:

  • the growth of low-wage service and precarious work
  • labor and social movement organizing strategy
  • rising household debt
  • surveillance capitalism
  • Black Lives Matter and Police Unions
  • U.S. and global political trends
  • carceral labor
  • immigration policy
  • organized labor and the #metoo movement pay inequity
  • LGBTQ workplace discrimination
  • labor’s relationship to the American empire
  • labor’s role in mitigating the climate crisis

Internationally, contributors to the journal have examined:

    • tech worker organizing in China
    • organized labor in post-Apartheid South Africa
    • the Chinese belt and road initiative
    • the ebb and flow of the pink tide in Latin America
    • organizing among informal workers in the global south
    • efforts to establish an Asia floor wage
    • the rise of economic nationalism in Europe

Article highlights include:

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